Bird Survey

And we have babies everywhere!


Glen has been out and about monitoring counting the birds in the Outback so we have a comprehensive record. The weather has been a bit on and off as we all know and in windy / rainy conditions its always a little harder, however its just great to be able to use his expertise to find out what we have here. Thank you as always Glen.

Some birds do fail to put their wing up for the count though. I spotted a Greylag Goose on one of the new ponds last week and a Tawney Owl popped out of the Barn Owl box when Colin was putting his cameras up last week. Do they not read the specs before they buy?
The Moorhens have had their babies too, so cute, four tiny balls of black fluff are floating around the pond!
I have also been listening to a Cuckoo for a few weeks now and I have seen a pair of Swallows, but we really should have more….