
Become a Guardian of Rewilding the Outback


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Keeping carbon emissions down and increasing bio-diversity cannot be left to politicians, it won’t happen. Its up to us. So please make a change at your home, at your work, small changes make a big difference.  Join us and experience some positive green news.

  • Business

    £280 a year
    • Bring your team to visit and we will show you round plus discounts available from our Eco Shopping Partners

  • Personal

    £50 a year
    • A gift to yourself or another, plus discounts available from our Eco Shopping Partners

Working from the soil up: What we have achieved and our future goals.

  • Done & Dusted!

    • Built a pre release avairy from where we release rehabilitated of prey when ready from local charity Owl & Bird of Prey Rescue, Suffolk & essex

    • Planted whips to begin strengthening hedgerows outside the Outback and create wildlife corridors.

    • Developed a hedge management plan to ensure each hedge is cared for properly for a variety of wildlife and carbon sequestration.

    • Monthly bird surveys with thanks to local naturalist Glen Moore the results of which will be fed into the RSPB national database.

    • In conjunction with FWAG excavated 3 'Ghost Ponds' in the Outback.

    • Communication of the ideas and reasons behind this project to engage, excite and enable others to love and nurture the natural world.

    • Run regular rewilding Walks & Talks at the farm and give talks to groups who want to learn more

    • Planted whips to west of the ghost ponds to help repent evaportation.

    • Annual water insect and amphibian surveys with thanks to Alex Gerrad

    • Cut areas of the outback to reduce the prevelance of rye grass and help create a more bio diverse meadow.

    • In conjunction with Colin Shead Photography erected two new barn Owl Box with camera to monitor our Barn Owls.

    • Annual flora surveys with thanks to volunteers.

    • Hedge laying has commenced.

  • The TO DO List!!!

    • Buy marginal pond seed and make biodgrable hessian grow sacks to grow the seed and stablise the bansk of the ponds.

    • Continue to maintain mechanically parts of the field for Skylarks and Barn Owls.

    • Thin trees and bramble around a pond and excavate the banks to a shaded pond in an adjacent field to allow light to reach the water and increase bio diversity.

    • Secure fencing or electric movable fencing to secure borrowed grazers for thier ecosystem services!

    • Plant native bulbs for our polinators when they emerge in spring.

    • Continue to communicate the ideas and reasons behind this project to engage, excite and enable others to love and nurture the natural world.

    • Lontinue to layer hedgerows as parts of the management plan to create a strong and dense base hedge.

    • Take soil samples and measure the carbon and nutrient levels in the soil.

    • Remove the rubbish from a former pond in the Outback

    • Think landscape scale: engage with the local community, landowners and companies, work to extend the boundaries of creating a home for nature beyond Jordan's Farm