Welcome to Jordan's Farm

Rewilding and Foliage & Flower farming with BIG eco ambitions to create a healthier world.


Jordan's Farm is an opportunity to get something good happening on a bit of soil.

Rewilding the Outback

‘Rewilding the Outback’ is our contribution to help nurture this planet.

Rewilding land will help to mitigate climate change and biodiversity loss in the UK. The two are interlinked and must be successfully addressed at every level for our future.

We want to share our positive actions and welcome you to visit us. 

Foliage & Flower Farm

The UK flower industry is growing and Jordans Farm Foliage & Flowers we are part of the revolution.

We grow with the seasons, in soil which is nurtured and with minimal impact on the environment. In this way we can use the rest of our land both productively and for nature.

  • We sell to florists and business such as shops and restaurants and DIY bucketfuls to the public.
  • Native flowers and foliage are a speciality.
  • On farm workshops using our flowers taught by specialist ‘eco’ florists.

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Contact us

If you have any questions please contact us, we are always happy to help.

    We will process your data in order in accordance with our privacy policy. to answer your enquiry

    Be part of our rewilding scheme

    Sign up to one of our plans to be part of our Wilding the Outback project.

    • Business

      £280 a year
      • Bring your team to visit and we will show you round plus discounts available from our Eco Shopping Partners

    • Personal

      £50 a year
      • A gift to yourself or another, plus discounts available from our Eco Shopping Partners

    We plan to:

    • Increase the carbon content of our soil reducing the carbon in the atmosphere
    • Work sustainably and play our part in tackling the climate crisis
    • Offer a way for organisations to be part of the solution without focusing on simply planting trees
    • Reach beyond our boundaries and help enable wildlife corridors for animals and insects
    • Help educate others about how to nurture, help and respect the environment and wider world around us