The Pre Release Aviary is Ready for the Barn Owls!

Its been a journey!
It was August 2022 and we had just been asked by Stephanie of Owls and Birds of Prey Rescue to build a pre release aviary here at the farm. Stephanine had visited us and spoted the rough grassland of our rewilding field with many voles and mice, a perfect hunting ground for her rescues. As we were thinking this one through, location, work, cost…. we suddenly had to rescue an owlet of our very own, Jordan the Barn Owl!
Thank goodness for Rob of Hawkins Projects. A brilliant builder who in his spare time also works as a volunteer on conservation projects, he came to our rescue. The specification was precise. The wire, the size, the shelter, feeding stations, roosting boxes and it all had to pass inspection! But as you can see from the pictures we went from an underused space next to the shed to 5 star accommodation for Owls and Birds of Prey. Yes it took a while, yes I was TOLD OFF for not hammering in the nails straight, but it was dark, there was a gale blowing with that lovely spitty rain and I still had to make dinner for the humans! But we did it!
In here Stephanies rescues will be safe and have space to fly and build up their wing muscles again before the release door is opened and they can fly free. Our very own little Tawney inspected it and checked out its features and passed it with flying colours.
IMG and Colcheco have been so supportive with their fund raising and donations thank you so much both.
We are looking forward to the first occupants, Jordan & Notley, Barn Owls rescued as babies and now looking forward to a second chance at life in the wild. This is what its all about.
Once they have ‘flown’ it will be available to the next feathered soul from Stephanie who needs the aviary before they too are released back into the skies of North Essex.
From an forgotten corner to an amazing avairy. Thank you Rob. And then there is me sorting out the finishing touches, bedding in a feeding station for our guests dinner each evening!