Planting Sunflowers!
The poly tunnel is brimming and I am still sowing. Now though I am also planting! We have beds with fencing, (sorry bunnies!) and have been employing the no dig method this year so some well rotted muck, carboard and compost on top. Let the worms drag it all down into the soil below. Its really important to care for your soil.
I don’t have many Sunfill Purple and Sunfill Green but this year they look strong and I can’t wait to see what they look like. Pro Cut plum is a new one for me and I will have a lot of this beauty.
Plus in the last few weeks we have had some rain. Generally in great quantities at once of course but I am delighted. Its amazing how plants respond much better to the rain than tap water.
I still have compost to shift and try to plant in the evening, less stress on the plants, then they can settle in and be ready for the sun the next day.
If you would like to buy my sunflowers for you buiness, restaurant or a friend watch my website. I will be letting you know how and when soon!
Finally, I have just signed up to the Flowers From the Farm Big Weekend. Watch this space, more to follow, exciting times!