Jordans Farm Bird Survey 2024
The results are in.
Glen, has visited Jordans Farm every month to record the birds we have here. Thank you so very much.
We have added a couple more species to the list. Hurrah! Some are not on the list, the owls have normally gone to bed by 9am so rarely get recorded, but we know that we have Tawny, Barn and Little Owls about now which is as good as it gets. In fact, we are really hoping that a couple of the Little Owls use the box with the camera this year. One has been spotted in there exploring!
Of course he did miss the morning a Peacock turned up to share the chicken’s breakfast, and I am not sure he recorded the Blackbirds who determined that the aviary was the best place for their babies and ‘bed blocked’ the next arrival from Stephanie at Owl & Bird of Prey Rescue!
Photo: A Moorhen chick, who was far to far from the pond and his Mum, was calling him from the pond. They were soon reunited. (Typical rewilding / flower farmer nails!)
1 Stonechat (Glen Moore)
2 Woodcock (Glen Moore)
3 Green Woodpecker looking for Ants (Colin Shead)
4 Wild fledgling Barn Owls in the Outback Box (Colin Shead)
5 Baby Blackbirds in the aviary just hatched.
6 Baby Blackbirds in the avairy about to fledge.
7 Visiting Peahen
8 Barn Owl Cheverly taking shelter from the storm in the aviary weeks after his soft release.
9 A Robin, trapped in the house, just before I let him go.